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I found this interesting read on Slashdot. Maybe some of you heard about it. Maybe some of you did not. It reads the following:

"Nvidia is facing a class action lawsuit for false advertising by not providing stable working drivers for Vista. Nvidia has been accused of closing threads on Nvidia's forum and banning users that request a response from Nvidia, post that their Nvidia hardware does not work under Vista, post that Nvidia software does not work under Vista, post that Nvidia is guilty of false advertising, or threaten to sue Nvidia. Several disgruntled users have set up their own site for discussing their legal options."

Well. I do agree that something has to be done about Nvidia. After all, I am only getting 50% performance on my drivers after upgrading to vista!
on Feb 04, 2007

That's why I've started with a XP/Vista dual boot, no driver support for my two 7600GTs. I can only get SLi in XP right now, add to that the poor performance of the current driver in Vista and...

In XP UT2004 runs most maps between 150-300 fps, the same maps in Vista run at a jerky 10-15 fps   

on Feb 04, 2007
I'm not happy with the Nvidia driver situation either, but these lawsuits about everything are just getting ridiculous.

on Feb 04, 2007
Seems simple...tell everyone,yes we know and new drivers are on the way.  
on Feb 04, 2007

I have no sympathy for nVidia while their home page implies that they are the best solution for Vista.

nVidia drivers are a disaster right now on Vista.

on Feb 07, 2007
Also have no sympathy for Nvidia. They posted wording on their website long ago promising their customers that they would have Vista drivers available when Vista was released. They didn't say "soon after" and they didn't say "when we let everyone know"; they said when Vista was released.

Not only does their delay affect video drivers, it also affects platforms that use Nvidia chipsets (i.e., nforce3, 4, etc). Nvidia didn't even post any RTM drivers; they've posted nothing since RC1. I have an nforce4 AMD platform and only yesterday saw a post about the platform drivers. So, maybe now, the Vista drivers are there.

Of course, the lawsuit won't get through the legal system, but maybe it's enough to get Nvidia moving on the drivers -- the ones they promised their customers.
on Feb 15, 2007
When I can reliably play my own game on my quad-SLI nVidia 7950 setup, then I'll feel better about nVidia.

on Feb 15, 2007

The 100.59 drivers are a little better, but still no SLi   

UT2004 DM-Antalus at 1280x1024 with everything on runs about 65-70fps. That's a backward step of about four years to my 2.66P4/Ti4200... Kinda looking for 200+ same as in XP   

on Feb 15, 2007
I have a 8800GTS and am averaging nearly the same fps as I was getting from XP, system stability is perfect. I run Flight Sim X at 1920x1200 in Vista no problem, I'll try some other games this weekend but I'm sure I'll be downloading new drivers by then as well so it probably won't matter.
on Feb 17, 2007
I have no sympathy, deleting accusations and pretending they don't exist isn't right.

I am also strongly against false advertising. They deserve all they get.

on Feb 18, 2007
I'm not for suing over drivers, especialy since their site is stating their the best solution for vista because they are the first out of the gate with Direct X 10 hardware.

What I AM in support of is suing both nVidia and AMD/ATI for price fixing.

System ram prices have gone down, CPU prices have gone down, but Video cards, both Top shelf and second from top shelf cards increase in costs. Sure it's up to the consumer to vote with their wallets, but if we actually did that, we'd still be playing duke nukem with CPU driven graphics.

Check this out!
